Fulton House (site)
John M. Fulton gave the picturesque 1895 house to his wife, Theodora, upon their marriage in 1903.

The spindled Queen Anne house once located on the corner of N. Center and Ninth Streets was built in 1895. It was similar in appearance to the Armstrong house at 821 N. Center, but its exterior was quite original.
John M. Fulton moved into the house, later numbered 895 N. Center Street, in early 1903, just prior to his marriage to Theodora Stubbs, daughter of University of Nevada President Joseph Stubbs. John and his brother Robert were born in Ohio and both came west around 1875. Both brothers worked for the railroad, Robert for the land department of the Union Pacific and John as district passenger and freight agent for the Southern Pacific.
When John married Theodora on February 11, 1903, he presented her with a beautifully worded deed to the house. It reads, in part, "To thee and thine forever, I hereby give and grant the cot and lands to me belonging, which at the corner (south and west) of streets Center and 9th, in Reno Town, Nevada State and County Washoe, now situate are....And all that to the same does appertain I likewise give and grant, thy love to me, the consideration being, many times sufficient." Both John and his brother Robert were active in the community, as were their wives, contributing much to the early development of the city.
The house passed through a number of hands and housed a variety of residents including Galen and Joanne de Longchamps before they moved down the street to the Armstrong house at 821 N. Center. In the mid-1990s it served as the office of the MacKenzie Insurance Agency.
The University acquired this property in 2004 and for a long time, used it as the University's Real Estate office. In 2020, the University of Nevada, Reno had the Fulton House demolished to make way for a future College of Business building.